Sunday, January 18, 2009


My thanks to Jim "Roadguy" Foti from the Star-Tribune for his article in Sunday's paper. My thanks to all who visited and the kind comments, and you too Dave, critics are a necessary evil, I take no offense. I hope everybody returns to see my adventures. Also thanks to everybody who is a follower past and now present.


Captain Crab said...

I sent the link to this site to my daughter who lives in the Twin Cities, and told her that I NEVER WANT TO SEE HER CAR HERE!

Anonymous said...

Dale, I'm sorry if I caused you view me as an "evil" critic; such was not my intent. Thank you for not taking offense even when none was meant.
I simply wanted to point out that we're all human, and can be distracted by any number of things when we are driving, myself included.
Keep up the good work.

Dale the Truck Driver said...

Dave, I wasn't actually calling you evil. Just a figure of speech. Friends?

Anonymous said...

I knew that..... ;-)

One can never have too many friends.

My wife and I travel between Bloomington and the Minnetonka/Plymouth area on 494 & 55. Make sure that our blue/gray 2003 Saturn L200 is always behaving! (Besides, my wife used to be a police officer for Bloomington; I can't get away with anything! lol)

Thanks, Dale.

Dale the Truck Driver said...

Always glad to make a new friend.

Dave said...

Would you be able or willing to say who you drive for?
Nothing more than curiosity...
There are several truck lines that operate locally.
You seem to get around the whole metro area.

Dale the Truck Driver said...

As of right now I will keep my company to myself. I just prefer it that way, sorry.

Dave said...

Like I said, just curious.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

unfortunetly not enough people will read this blog of a readneck truck driver or an irrate bus driver to make much difference. it would be really great if ROAD GUY would take excerpts from your blog or at least bring up some of these idiotic drivers and their disregard for the other drivers on the road in his column so maybe a few more would read them. maybe ROAD GUY knows some more influencial folks that could take it to even larger audiences to where it might get to some of those self important JACKASSES the good drivers must watch out for everyday. but then again those kind of people probably don't have time to read anything but their bank statements to see if they made enough money to pay for their expensive patriotic foreign cars and bitch that our economy is in the toilet. Have a safe drive.

Dale the Truck Driver said...

Thank you for the idea's and comments. I will see what I can do.


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