Sunday, May 3, 2009

Come On Over

A fine how do you do. On the phone without a care in the world. I wonder if he was using his navigation unit on his dash, probably not. I was happy it wasn't a scary F350.


Laila said...

Hi Dale, I just stumbled upon your blog and I love it :-) I'm not on the road nearly as much as you are, I don't know how you survive among these rude drivers every day but it looks like this blog may be a good way to blow off steam :-)
I live close to L.A which has been deemed the rudest in the country when it comes to traffic >:(

Anyway, great blog, I'll be poppin' by again to check your updates :)


Dale the Truck Driver said...

Welcome, I haven't been in L.A. for a long time but I don't seem to mind rude drivers as much as the ignorant and clueless drivers as we have here in good ole Minnesota.


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