Geez, he better stay away from 394 and the idiot 'I'm gonna tightly squeeze in right in front of you and YOU WILL let me in' folks....
This is going to sound incredibly stupid of me but it never occured to me that the kind of stuff that company makes would just be out mingling on the highway with all the rest of us in a truck of that size.
I'm curious Dale and maybe you can answer this, do those trucks have some kind of serious insulation in case of the worst case scenario? Or maybe they just drive incredibly slow and steady?
(The same question might be asked about the tankers that I've watched people drive badly around. I've probably just answered my own question huh?)
The way some people don't give you truckers the road respect you deserve (as evidenced by your many photos along with my own eyes) well, let's just say it's a very scary thought as to what might happen as a result of someone's careless driving.
I didn't notice that buckle up sign but when I just now looked, I see two conflicting signs-on the left, This Vehicle Stops at All RR Crossings, and on the right, This Vehicle Stops at All RR Crossings When Loaded. What to do? what to do?
oh ... and lol @ the buckle up sign.... I guess it's good to have an option of whether to get stuck in your car while burning to a crisp or be thrown clear in the explosion. (Hm.... one might get thrown clear either way perhaps...)
I was born and raised in Norf Minneapolis by blue collar parents. I really don't give a shit what anybody says or thinks about me, so if you don't like me, fuck off.
Geez, I wouldn't want to be within a half mile of that truck!
Geez, he better stay away from 394 and the idiot 'I'm gonna tightly squeeze in right in front of you and YOU WILL let me in' folks....
This is going to sound incredibly stupid of me but it never occured to me that the kind of stuff that company makes would just be out mingling on the highway with all the rest of us in a truck of that size.
I'm curious Dale and maybe you can answer this, do those trucks have some kind of serious insulation in case of the worst case scenario? Or maybe they just drive incredibly slow and steady?
(The same question might be asked about the tankers that I've watched people drive badly around. I've probably just answered my own question huh?)
The way some people don't give you truckers the road respect you deserve (as evidenced by your many photos along with my own eyes) well, let's just say it's a very scary thought as to what might happen as a result of someone's careless driving.
Oh, I'm sure that explosives truck gets a lot of respect--or at least not much tailgating.
All of this stuff can go by truck or rail....
...mixed in with the everyday jackass FUV driving public....I am surprised there are not more incidents.
Anybody notice the cheery "Buckle Up America" sign?
I didn't notice that buckle up sign but when I just now looked, I see two conflicting signs-on the left, This Vehicle Stops at All RR Crossings, and on the right, This Vehicle Stops at All RR Crossings When Loaded. What to do? what to do?
Geez.... I'd think dynamite transports would travel at night when there's nobody else on the road :-)
Maybe it'd be an idea to stick that label on to other rigs also, even if it's a milk transport, people may drive a little more careful .... :-D
oh ... and lol @ the buckle up sign.... I guess it's good to have an option of whether to get stuck in your car while burning to a crisp or be thrown clear in the explosion. (Hm.... one might get thrown clear either way perhaps...)
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