Sunday, November 30, 2008
Flying While Jabbering
Good Morning
Saturday, November 29, 2008
169 & 394 Manuvers
Another Three Lane Shift
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Man's Best Friend
This is my dog Nipsey Russell. Even though Jack Russell Terriers are predominately Irish, look at this blog. If anybody has or knows someone with a Jack, they will appreciate this. The blog is at They are from Japan.
Let's Play Chicken, Shall We?
This lady I met on 35E at County Road 14. A little background is needed to help my story. My truck only does 62 MPH. The company turned them back because of the cost of fuel. Certainly understandable. With the heavy traffic I had my cruise set at 55MPH as I do most days. I stay in the right lane and let everybody pass me. What I am doing is staying out of the way and not tying up traffic.
Miss red Cobalt, a vehicle that weighs maybe 1500 pounds was on the "acceleration lane" not accelerating. As she neared the merge point I heard her blaring her horn. She can certainly out run me and get ahead of me but she didn't. I often wonder if people actually look for a reason to get pissed off. I think she did. She got in behind me and immediately went into the left lane where she accelerated. When she came next to me she slowed as I knew she would. She leaned over and was yelling at me.
Did she think I could hear her? Even though she didn't know how to merge and even though she was blocking traffic now, apparently I am the jackass causing problems. I figured we were done when she decided I wasn't going to play with her. But, I was wrong. She moved in front of me and slowed down again. Every few seconds tapping her brakes. Making a point? Showing who was in charge? Letting me know that I am a lesser person? This went on for quite awhile maybe five miles or so. I am guessing she got bored with me and found someone else to play her game. I did see her near downtown St. Paul later on and she must have forgotten me because when I passed her she didn't even look at me.
So my point is, if you can accelerate in the left lane at a highly agitated state, why can't you accelerate on the acceleration lane? Why would you play chicken with a truck that weighs 80,000 pounds when your car doesn't weigh 2000 pounds? I don't go to peoples employment and endanger their lives, why would you do this to me and everybody else around us?
I only wish it had been a little later in the morning, my photography stinks when the sun is not up yet.
The 4 Lane Shift
I can't think of a time when I haven't seen this on 100 at the 394 exit. I expect it to happen in front of me because no one wants to be behind a slow moving truck. This lady here was in such a hurry to get to Louisiana Blvd. that a mere 5 more seconds of her life maybe would have upset the rest of her day. As I passed her on 394 she was waiting at the red light on the Louisiana ramp so I am not sure if she actually saved any time. Good job!
Shove Your Way In
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008
Too Cold Outside
I woke up this Monday morning shivering. There is no more denying it, winter is on the way. No more cycle, no more short sleeves, no more short pants. Damn it. Now I look forward to returning to Isla in February. When it's time to hibernate it's time to look at pictures from previous trips.
The best way to get around a small island. Muy rapido.
The absolute best way to see Isla
It's a tough life sometimes but someone has to do it. Just a few more months, that's all.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Time To Hang Up.......
....... Is NOW! I watched this guy all the way down the ramp and enter onto north 35E from Maryland. He never once turned his head or attempted to look in his little mirror to see if it was okay to merge. I think thank yous are in order for me from him as I was the one driving defensively and avoided any contact with him. But oh, how I wanted to lay on my air horn....
Maybe Pay Attention?
Watching A Cop
As I was heading home on this fine Sunday afternoon after working 60 hours this past week I had a Maple Grove cop enter 169 behind me a few cars back. Being the observant driver that I am I instinctively knew all cars would slow down and everybody would be on their best behavior. Not quite, near 694 where the third lane starts a car in the left lane cut across all three lanes to exit on eastbound 694 in front of the cop. Surely this would warrant a traffic stop. Nothing. Next, a lady with a lap dog entered onto 169 from 694 when I was exiting and in front of the cop. The lap dog was just that as the dog was easily blocking her view on her mirror. She went on her way and we went on ours to westbound 694. On 694 a passenger van decided at the last moment he was going to exit onto southbound 169 from the middle lane again in front of the cop. Now this must be a violation of the law here in Minnesota? We went our way, the van went his. As I moved over a lane the cop came up aside me. Now I know why these people were not talked to about their actions. He kept looking down into his lap and every few seconds or so look to see where he was going. I am going to assume that, by watching many others with the same actions that he was not examining anything down there, but he must of been........ Texting. I thought this was banned. I think someone very important, maybe Winston Churchill, said "if texting is outlawed, then only outlaws will text!" My point and yes it took long enough to make is, had I just shit canned it and started speeding, I most likely would have been stopped. So speeding is more dangerous than inattentive driving. I certainly don't want to see anybody stopped, but if your breaking a traffic law you deserve what you get, or like today, what you don't get.
Friday, November 21, 2008
A Week Later.......
Clipped By An Outback
Thursday, November 20, 2008
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