Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Fine Afternoon Drive

I have been accused of thinking I am perfect, which I am not. I have been threatened, I have been called names. Why? Because of people like this lady here. Hey, it happens all the time. I am the idiot, not her. I am being dangerous for using a camera while watching everybody around me and being aware of my surroundings. This lady yaking on her phone isn't the problem, I am. I am so glad this has been pointed out to me.


Paula said...

Dale - you are obviously keeping all of the "good comments" to yourself and letting them get to you besides.

Why not just put them out here so we can all see that some folks don't confine their stupidity to driving.

Or - just delete them and don't worry about it. Anyone who would threaten someone on a blog is not anyone who has the guts to give you any trouble in person.

Don't give them to power to get you upset. Yes, it is true that some of this stuff happens every day - but that doesnt make it right and I am sure it also does cause preventable accidents every day as well

Hang in there!.

Dale the Truck Driver said...

Actually my critics don't really bother me. I just like being sarcastic sometimes.

Barry said...

Keep the camera clickin.'

If you catch someone in their finest moments of road-rage, maybe they'll calm down a notch and move along more safely and sanely.

Dale the Truck Driver said...

Nice thought, but in a world of reality, most likely, not.

Dale the Truck Driver said...

Why thank you Ann, tell all your friends.


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